Pi Kappa Tau

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San Fernando Valley State College

Pi Kappa Tau
Pismo Retreat
April 30 and May 1 & 2, 2025


Since those mid-1990s days when brothers made the trek to Bend Oregon to see Rick Krieger, and then the retreat at Lake Tahoe, our fraternity had gathered in Pismo Beach since 1998 for camaraderie and brotherly adventures.  Each year has been different, with new adventures, but all are to be cherished.  Some of our brothers have passed away, alas, and how we miss them.  In more recent years a group of our beloved wives have joined us for friendship and adventures of their own.

As we get older year by year, two things take on new meaning:  the Sigma Alpha Epsilon song “Friends” and the annual toast given with love by Rick Turton, “Until the last man standing.”

Please join us this year of 2025.

Our Retreats in May 2023 & 2024 were successful.  We decided to move forward with a May retreat each year.  Transportation problems, particularly in the pandemic times, is particularly daunting in the winter for a great many brothers.


Our 2025 Retreat will be Wed-Fri, April 30 and May 1 & 2, 2025, with the usual provisions for “early bird arrivals.”


The Hilton Garden Inn is ready to accommodate us and at rates comparable to our retreats in recent years.  By shifting the retreat earlier in the week, we avoid premium pricing on the weekend.   Among other things, we will again set up a few Zoom opportunities for brothers not able to attend to join the camaraderie (details to be announced in advance).


We need to provide a “rooming list” for those attending, so we do need to be a quick RSVP if possible.

Please make your reservation through Rick Turton (NOTE: NEW MAILING ADDRESS):
Rick Turton/ Pacific Leisure
791 Price St #500
Pismo Beach CA 93449

Location:  Hilton Garden Inn, 601 James Way, Pismo Beach, CA 93449

Here are the May 2025 package prices Prices are $5 more than 2024 retreat prices in order to cover increase in food prices. 

1.  Wednesday, April 30 to Friday, May 2: Basic Package per person for 2 night’s double occupancy - $440 (Single occupancy $640)         

2. Tuesday, April 29 to Friday, May 2: Total Package per person for 3 night’s double occupancy - $600 (Single occupancy $900)    

Basic guest package for brother = 440 + wife/partner $400 (no charge for banquet).  Total =$840.
Same for three-night stays: brother = $600 + wife $560 (no charge for banquet) Total = $1,160

Basic Packages includes:        

Wednesday, April 31 – 2 drink coupons per person for beer/wine/non-alcoholic beverages served in lobby bar, private 1 hour reception in the Library Room serving appetizers.       

Thursday, May 1  - breakfast buffet, 2 drink coupons per person of beer/wine/non-alcoholic beverages served in lobby bar, private 1 hour reception in the Library Room serving light hors d’oeuvres; banquet buffet dinner served in Mission Room.              

Friday, May 2 - breakfast buffet and departure

In closing, we hope to see you in Pismo.


Rick Turton

John Cagle

Please send any updates on addresses, email, cellphones, etc. to




Team Meetings

In 1966, "the Pi Kappa Tau Drinking Team" meetings began. They have continued until today.

The second Thursday of each month, brothers gather at the Tavern 101 Grill and Tap House restaurant about seven o'clock in the evening. Any given night there will be ten to fifteen brothers or as many as sixty. These meetings have gone on since the 1960s and continue. Everyone is welcome. The meetings are at:

Tavern 101 Grill & Tap House

28434 Roadside Dr.
Agoura Hills, California 91301

(818) 991-7227

The origin of these meetings began when the Benevolent Order of the Silver Flagon was created as a beer drinking honorary fraternity at Valley State and got a charter from the Associated Students. Some brothers, notably Gerry Adams and Larry Castro, thought any brother should automatically be a member, but for some reason or another Cagle insisted the BOSF was an honorary like Blue Key. Adams and Castro were so upset that they started their own beer drinking fraternity, which they simply referred to as "the Drinking Team" or generally just "the Team." Well, whereas the Benevolent Order (BOSF) had actual chapters at several other universities (including Oregon State, Chico, San Jose, Fresno, and other universities), when the initial members graduated, BOSF disappeared. Even Cagle admits this fact.

The Team continues, however, to this day. None drinks alone.

Send calendar announcements to Cagle. Thank you.