Archive Photographs
Please enjoy these miscellaneous photographs of Pi Kappa Tau.
If you have any pictures you would like to add to this
collection, please contact or send them to John Cagle or Rick
Pi Kappa Tau Crest

Pi Kappa Tau Pin

Pi Kappa Tau House on Nordhoff

A black and white photograph of the 20655 Nordhoff house....

Stu Olster and Dick Eisman leading songs at 9000 Balboa

Rick Krieger inspecting RF involving a Volkswagon filled with
balloons and put into the President's bedroom

Surfer Stomp in the Party Room at the House on 9000 Balboa
(circa 1962)

Bill Hardy, Gil Taylor, and John Cagle--Yell Leaders in 1963

Greek Retreat in 1966: Ty Hancock (Delta Upsilon), Tim
Ashlock (Pi Kappa Alpha), Rick "Cheech" Marin (Phi
Sigma Kappa), and John Cagle in middle